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Wearing gem on accurate fingure

Wearing of Gem according to the Month in which they born Wearing of Gem according to the Month in which they born

From & ToLord Of The MonthGem To WearFinger To Wear
15th January to 15th FebruarySaturnBlue SapphireMiddle finger
15th February to 15th MarchSaturnBlue SapphireMiddle finger
15th March to 15th AprilGuruYellow SapphirePoint finger
15th April to 15th MayKujaCoralRing finger
15th May to 15th JuneSukraDiamondRing finger
15th June to 15th JulyBudhaEmerladLittle finger
15th July to 15th AugustChandraPearlRing finger
15th August to 15th SeptemberRaviRubyRing finger
15th September to 15th OctoberBudhaEmerladLittle finger
15th October to 15th NovemberKujaCoralRing finger
15th November to 15th JanuaryGuruYellow SapphirePoint finger


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